What To Do If You Are Diagnosed With Cataracts?

Eye diseases like cataracts are quite common and they need proper care and attention if you want to protect your eyes and eyesight. Eye health matters a lot as losing eyesight may make your life difficult.

A healthy lifestyle such as a diet full of nutritious food, adequate physical activity, and limiting smoking and drinking can help you maintain your overall eye health. The first signs of having cataracts can be diagnosed early if you visit your doctor regularly. When you are diagnosed with cataracts, then here are some helpful ways you can manage your life.

1.     Avoid Pressuring Your Eyes While Reading

When you are diagnosed with cataracts in your eyes, you should not strain your eyes too much. Straining your eyes continuously can make it worse and you might not be able to live without cataract surgery.

When you are reading a book or doing a task that may require you to focus your eyes at one point, then you should make sure that the room is well-lit. A dark room may put stress on your eyes. You should always read in a bright room. Make sure to use your eyeglasses or a magnifying glass whenever required.

2.     Maintain Your Health Issues

Various health issues such as diabetes and high blood pressure may also increase the chances of getting cataracts or they may make the situation worse. If you are diabetic, try to control your blood sugar levels and blood pressure.

You should follow a healthy lifestyle to keep yourself healthy. Eat nutritious food and involve adequate physical activity in your life. Moreover, make sure that you are consistent with the medication. Missing out on your medicines such as insulin or eating food that is otherwise prohibited for diabetic patients may make your cataracts worse.

3.     Avoid Driving At Night

Cataracts might make it difficult for you to drive at night. Your eyesight may be compromised with cataracts and you might not be able to see clearly at night. Therefore, driving with cataracts may become risky.

Bright lights at night may blur your vision or they may irritate your eyes. You might not be able to see distant objects which may increase your chance of getting involved in an accident. For the safety of yourself and other road users, avoid driving at night when you have been diagnosed with cataracts.

4.     Get Surgery If Needed

When a cataract has fully covered your eye and you can no longer see, then you should instantly go for cataract surgery. Cataracts may make you temporarily blind. However, this blindness can be reversed through surgery.

Laser surgery is the most widely used method to treat and remove cataracts. This painless process can help you get your vision back. If you face eyesight weakness as well then you can consider getting a new lens for your eyes as well during cataract surgery.


Cataracts can make your life difficult. However, with careful practices and changing your lifestyle, you can live well with the cataract.

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